Our First Winner

a man and two women smiling at the camera

This is Judy

Judy spends every waking hour doing good for others. She raises money for the visually impaired, she bakes smiley cookies for Denis and the team at The Shed Project, she mows lawns for her neighbours and she makes cards.

She had a tough childhood but does all that she can to turn that sadness into light. And why we ask ? “Because I can.”

There is no better reason and no better recipient of the inaugural Kāpiti Kindness Trust’s monthly kindness award.

Pictured with her is Timo from Kapiti Goodies, our awesome sponsor and Rachel Goodman, one of our volunteers.

Get out there and share the kindness!

Stronger Together

Stronger Communities Together

It’s been a great week for the Kāpiti Kindness Trust. We’ve finally achieved our huge milestone of becoming an official charity, and we’ve also teamed up with the wonderful people at We Love Local.

If you’re not aware of them, they were Kāpiti Goodies, and they’ve broadened their scope to include all things fabulous about the wider Wellington region. And why not, with so many awesome local products and scrummy treats to choose from?

To win one of their gift boxes, simply head complete our entry form and send us a story / name of a deserving person by 27th June 2020. We will select one to receive a box.

You can also subscribe to our newsletter by completing our sign-up form. We’ll email just once each month with news, and we’d love you to get involved.

We’re planning things like a volunteer register and an ideas bank to help those in our community, so feel free to send your suggestions to us on our contact page.

We all know Kāpiti is amazing. Let’s help our community really thrive together. Join the Kāpiti Kindness Trust today.

3D Printers to the Rescue!

man delivering box of masks to health centre.

This COVID business brings out the worst and best in people. … Today the best. The generosity of strangers: 3D printers have started printing free face shields for front-line medical practices, as there is a world-wide shortage, and they are being reserved for hospital use (We had none)

We indicated that we would be interested last night and at 10am this bloke walks in with a box full. This is going viral all over the world, with 3D printers rising to the occasion.
Didn’t want a cent ! Kiwis doing it for kiwis. Saving lives.

They have set up a Give a Little page. You can donate via the button below.
We will definitely be contributing. Could be nice if you could too.


Moving Forward

chalk drawing of a heart with the word 'kindness' inside.

We’re working hard at the moment to dot all our i’s and cross those t’s. We have achieved our first step, obtaining charity status, and are working out all the important final details as to how the trust will operate. Come back for updates, and don’t forget to check out our Facebook page.

Want to help? Get in touch and join us, we’d love to hear from you.